[Live-Stream for all ASE members] Dental Surgery or Chamber of Horrors? How to Change the Patient Perspective

[Live-Stream for all ASE members] Dental Surgery or Chamber of Horrors? How to Change the Patient Perspective

In Collaboration with

Dr Michael Goldblatt

BMBS, FANZCA, Dip Clin Hypnosis, ASH, ASPM

I obtained my medical degree from the Flinders University of South Australia in 1988 and completed my specialist anaesthetic training in 1999. Throughout this time I gained a large amount of medical and valuable life experience working in Australia and overseas including time in rural Australia.

As a specialist anaesthetist, I was introduced to hypnosis after a family member was successfully treated for severe anxiety. Curious and wanting to learn more about how hypnosis could help people attain their full potential, I obtained a Diploma of Clinical Hypnosis and trained with leading hypnotherapists in Australia and overseas.

I lecture in hypnotherapy and teach hypnosis in Australia and internationally. In addition to my medical affiliations, I am a Board Member of the South Australian Society of Hypnosis and examine candidates for the Australian Society of Hypnosis Diploma qualification which is a highly regarded qualification in Hypnosis for practitioners registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).

I founded GLO Clinical Hypnosis Clinic in 2020 and specialise in treating people with Post-traumatic Stress as well as rapid management of phobias particularly relating to medical procedures. Recently we have begun using hypnosis in the management of perioperative anxiety and to enhance post-surgical recovery and have begun using hypnosis as an adjunct for patients undergoing surgery to minimise the amount of anaesthesia required.

Lecture Synopsis 

It is estimated that up to 20% of the Australian population suffer from fear and/or anxiety related to dentists and dental treatment making it one of the most prevalent anxiety disorders in the country.

Among these individuals, about 5% are so severely affected that they avoid dentists altogether, leading to significantly poorer dental health outcomes. But all is not lost!!

Today, I want to use my own experience of living with an extreme dental phobia. I will illustrate how such fears develop and more importantly how they can be transformed. My own experience has shown that the perception of visiting the dentist can shift from a terrifying ordeal to a manageable, even positive experience this change can be rapid and effective.

Patients like me, who suffer from phobias are often highly suggestible and thus particularly receptive to various interventions, especially those involving hypnosis. Unfortunately, hypnosis is not well understood by the general public. In this talk I will explain what hypnosis is and how it can be used to reduce anxiety and enhance comfort for patients undergoing dental procedures.

Beyond these basic strategies, I will introduce you to the hypnotic techniques employed by qualified hypnotherapists to swiftly alter phobic responses. In my case, it took less than 15 minutes of hypnosis to enable me to undergo a long overdue dental examination, hygienist appointment and the placement of two ceramic crowns without any of the physical symptoms of anxiety.

Key References:

Armfield, J., & Heaton, L. (2013). Management of fear and anxiety in the dental clinic: A review. Australian Dental Journal, 58(4), 390–407. 10.1111/adj.12118

Lang, E., & Laser, E. (2009). Patient sedation without medication: Rapid rapport and quick hypnotic techniques: A resource guide for doctors, nurses, and technologists (1st ed.). Trafford Publishing.

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  • Date : 31/07/2024-31/07/2024
  • Time : 06:30 PM-09:00 PM
  • Registration Deadline : 22/07/2024
  • Venue : Woodward Centre, University of Melbourne 10th Floor, Melbourne Law (Building 106) 185 Pelham St, Carlton VIC 3053

Registration Form

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Total price $ 75
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