Peter Gilheany Memorial Lecture – AI for Endodontics: The Future Is Already Here. But Is It Hype or Help (NMLS) Dr Martin Gale BSc, BDS, MDSc, PhD, FRACDS (Endo) Martin Gale is a qualified dentist who graduated from The University…
[Live-Stream for all ASE members] Dental Surgery or Chamber of Horrors? How to Change the Patient Perspective In Collaboration with Dr Michael Goldblatt BMBS, FANZCA, Dip Clin Hypnosis, ASH, ASPM I obtained my medical degree from the…
Endodontic Irrigation Enhancement [Live Streaming for Members] Associate Professor Geoff Young BDS(Hons)(Syd), DClinDent(Melb), FRACDS(Endo), FICD, FPFA A/Prof Young obtained his BDS degree (University Medal) from the University…
(Live-Streaming) Hypersensitive About Dentine Hypersensitivity? Aetiology and Management Explored In Collaboration with Dr Daniel Felman BDSc (Hons), DCD, FRACDS (Endo) Daniel completed his BDSc(Hons) and DCD(Endo) at the University…