Clinical Professor Bernard Koong


Lecturer’s Biography

Bernard is a founding partner of Envision Medical Imaging in Western Australia, a fully comprehensive radiology practice. 

He holds the position of Clinical Professor at The University of Western Australia. He has a long history of teaching oral and maxillofacial radiology at several universities, including The University of Western Australia, The University of Sydney, The University of Hong Kong and Griffith University. This also includes the provision of the radiology course for the Masters Degree programme in implantology developed by the internationally renowned Professor Klaus Lang. He also contributes to training the Western Australian radiology registrars of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists.

As an invited speaker, Bernard has presented more than 120 lectures to dental and medical professions across Australia and also in the USA, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, Switzerland, Hong Kong (SAR, China) and New Zealand. He was Vice Chairman and member of the Scientific Committee of the 33rd ADA Congress.

Bernard is the author of the Atlas of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology (Wiley-Blackwell, 2017). He is also the author of the radiology chapter of the 6th edition of Lindhe and Lang’s Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry (Wiley-Blackwell, 2015). He is a contributing author for Zygomatic Implants (Springer, 2020) and the Glossary of Preventive Dentistry and Periodontology (Quintessence Publishing, 2015). Bernard has also authored several other publications, including articles for various professional Australian and international organisations, which includes a radiology guide for the Australian Dental Association (2019).

Bernard was the inaugural President of the Australian Academy of Dento-maxillofacial Radiology. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Clinical Oral Implant Research Journal. The only North American qualified oral and maxillofacial radiologist in Australia, Bernard completed his specialist training with the world-renowned Professor Michael Pharoah at the University of Toronto, where he was the first oral and maxillofacial radiology registrar to win the prestigious Harron Award and Scholarship. It included training at Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto General Hospital and Princess Margaret Cancer Centre in Toronto.

Lecturer Synopsis

While most periapical lesions are secondary to pulpal disease, many other conditions including fibro-osseous lesions, cysts, as well as benign and malignant tumours can involve periapical tissues. Optimal diagnostic imaging and interpretation can often differentiate these conditions, reducing the risk of incorrect or delayed diagnosis. Using multiple clinical cases, this lecture will highlight the radiologic features of periapical inflammatory lesions and contrast the appearances to those of other conditions which may mimic periapical disease of pulpal origin.

Lecture Pre-Reading

For attendees who are interested in some pre-reading of this topic, the relatively recent five chapter publication that Clinical Professor Koong wrote with several of his colleagues will provide an efficient radiology update and background context for the lecture. This can be accessed either through the ADA website, or by clicking on the “Resources” tab at https://orad.com.au/

NB: Lecture-only option is not available

RSVP: Monday 26th of July 2021

Please contact the ASE VB Secretary (Vui Tan) prior to registration if a strict Kosher meal is required as the venue will need additional time for preparation.

Payment can either be made via this website, or through Electronic Funds Transfer to:
Account name: ASE Vic Branch
BSB: 083 310
Account number: 515 470 757
Please include your full name in transfer details for identification purposes.

  • Date : 04/08/2021-04/08/2021
  • Time : 06:15 PM-08:00 PM
  • Registration Deadline : 26/07/2021
  • Venue : Level 10, Woodward Centre, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Law (Building 106), 185 Pelham St, Carlton, VIC 3053

Registration Form

59 seats remaining
Total price $ 100